October 29: Real-time Files & Billing settings

Real-time Files Module

The Files Module is now real-time. What this means is that if you are logged in and your clients are taking actions (uploading files, renaming files, deleting files, etc.) you will see those changes happen directly without refreshing.

The Files Module is the first area in the Portal where we've enabled real-time. Over the next few months, we're going to make similar announcements for the other modules.

Billing Settings

We've seen many people set up billing customer portals for their businesses. To do that they turn off all modules except Payments and use their portal exclusively to make it easy for clients to pay them and see past invoices. Today's release makes this use case even better and includes "Billing Settings" which lets clients add multiple payment methods and set their primary payment method.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of billing customer portals, we wrote our first blog post on this topic yesterday.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added the ability for internal users to select an invoice and "Mark Paid".
  • Added a phone number field to the Contact Us page in the Landing Page module. Now when new leads submit the form, you will get their phone number as well.
  • Added placeholder images to the Landing Page so that it looks good in areas where you don't set an image.
  • Improved the loading flow for client users who sign up directly.
  • Redesigned several email notifications to make the look more professional.
  • Fixed a bug where line items on invoices had a low character limit.